be sold on something câu
It sold only 50,000 copies, most of those to my mother.Chỉ bán được 50.000 bản. Phần lớn là dành cho mẹ tôi. Who may have sold their c...

be sold by weight
In most of the United States, the standard measure of firewood is a cord or 128 cubic feet, however, firewood can also be sold by weigh...

sold for cash
Bitcoin is being sold for cash to drug traffickers.Bitcoin là tiền dành cho những kẻ buôn ma túy The remainder would then be sold for ...

sold for money
Can it really be sold for money?"“ Thật sự là có thể bán được tiền sao?” That room is different from the steel helmet, it can’t be tak...

There is something down there. I will bring it back for science!Có thứ gì đó đằng kia Tôi sẽ mang nó về nghiên cứu! So, does this mean...

It is also possible to say: like (something/somebody) doing somethingBạn cũng có thể nói "like (somebody / something) doing something": ...

cost of good sold
This generally means a service industry with no inventory, cost of good sold etc.Điều này thường có nghĩa là một ngành dịch vụ không có...

cost of goods sold
Line 4 — Cost of goods sold (from line 42)Dòng 42: Giá Tiền Hàng Hóa Đã Bán (Line 42 Cost of Goods Sold) Here is how to find cost of g...

goods bought and sold
“Little ones used as cheap goods, bought and sold at will.Những em nhỏ bị sử dụng như hàng hóa rẻ tiền, mua và bán mặc ý. Little ones ...

the man who sold the world (song)
The Man Who Sold the World (song)The Man Who Sold the World (bài hát) (liên kết | sửa đổi)

change something for something
And that is in exchange for something – in exchange for my change something for something — đổi lấy cái gì

allude to something
This could allude to something physical or mental, such as helping somebody to 'think' or 'recall' something.Việc này có thể gồm cả thể...

attest to something
Attest - To bear witness to attest to something — làm chứng một việc gì Attest - To bear witness to attest to ...

be abundant in something
Surplus means having something in be abundant in something có nhiều cái gì

be after something
We believe Voldemort may be after something.Chúng ta tin rằng có lẽ Voldemort đang theo đuổi thứ gì đó. (So she must be after somethin...

be engaged in something
They were happy that their children would finally be engaged in something important and useful.Điều tốt nhất là khi trẻ em có ấn tượng ...

be enraptured with something
To be so close to something really be enraptured with something vô cùng thích thú cái gì

be in favour of something
Let’s be for something instead of against something.+ be in favour of something = thiên về cái gì hơn

be in search of something
Because we need happiness we should be in search of something that can end all of our suffering and give us that everlasting happiness”...

be responsible for something
How can you let him be responsible for something like that?Sao bà có thể để chú phải chịu đựng tình cảnh như vậy? “I’d far rather be r...

believe in something
Do not believe in something simply because you have heard it, Nima.Đừng có tin vào thứ gì chỉ khi mới nghe thấy nó, Nima. In this cyni...

by means of something
Everything, therefore, will have to be proved by means of something else, and all argument will be either circular or an endless chain ...

clutch at something
Anything to blow a gasket about?to make a clutch at something giật lấy cái gì

desire something
When you desire something, you will have it at any cost.Khi muốn một cái gì đó, ta phải có nó bằng mọi giá. Many times in life, we wil...

do something
No, I mean call me if I could do something.Không, ý của tôi là hãy gọi khi tôi có thể làm gì đó. You know we gotta do something specia...